BY LE ANN TREES | Don’t let the devil succeed in getting you to despair in the midst of slow healing. Instead, trust that God will not waste one bit of your suffering.
I certainly believe and know why God has chosen slow healing for my chronic illness. I very much believe in the power of Christ Jesus and He wants the very vest for me. It's why I have left it in God's hands.
Yes, sometimes God allows us to know the "why" of our long journeys of healing but not always. It comes naturally to us in our fallen state to lean on our own understanding and slow healing reminds us to cling to Christ and God's promises for us in him. Your love for God is an encouragement to us, Christine!
I certainly believe and know why God has chosen slow healing for my chronic illness. I very much believe in the power of Christ Jesus and He wants the very vest for me. It's why I have left it in God's hands.
Yes, sometimes God allows us to know the "why" of our long journeys of healing but not always. It comes naturally to us in our fallen state to lean on our own understanding and slow healing reminds us to cling to Christ and God's promises for us in him. Your love for God is an encouragement to us, Christine!