The What, When, and Why of Exhorting One Another
BY JONATHAN LANDRY CRUSE | What is exhorting, when should we do it, and why is exhorting so important?
"But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called 'today,' that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." — Hebrews 3:13
In this verse, the writer of Hebrews is encouraging the church to be the church. That is, he is telling us something of what it means to live in a community with brothers and sisters in Christ. There is a responsibility that is laid upon all of us once we join the family of faith. Here we learn what it is, when we're to do it, and why it's so important...
I know Pastor Cruse. He is a model of sincerity and lives these words out in person. His pulpit exhortations are never without the direct application and encouragement of the gospel. Always pointing us to the only true source of strength, comfort, and encouragement, Jesus Christ.