7 Things You Need to Know about the Silence of Jesus
BY BCL | When is it better to speak? And when is it necessary to stay quiet? This is the art of wisdom. Here are seven things you need to know about the silence of Jesus.
"So he questioned him at some length, but he made no answer" (Luke 23:9).
Ecclesiastes tells us that there is time to speak and a time to keep silent. And this makes sense enough, but the issue is, when is the fitting time? When is it better to speak? And when is it necessary to stay quiet? This is the art of wisdom.
Yet, as a society, we have pretty unanimously voted in favor of speaking. Our world, filled with technology and social media, never stops speaking, be it with words, pictures, or videos. Background music follows us everywhere. There is pressure to yelp every restaurant, photo every meal, and post every opinion that passes between your ears.
This obsession with speaking has crowded out any positive value of silence. Yet, our Lord masters the art of the silence for us, so that we might speak better for him and so that our words may be conformed to his words.
In the gospel accounts of Jesus’ trial, we read that Pontius Pilate tried to acquit the innocent one…